Dr. Ronald Collins was a prestigious chemistry educator, author and innovator in computer assisted education.
Collins earned his first Chemistry degree from UD in 1957. He achieved his Ph. D in inorganic chemistry in 1962 from the University of Indiana. He taught and published at University of Indiana, Michigan State University and Eastern Michigan University, where he later became the department chairman. Moving to administration, he was Provost and then vice president at EMU.
He worked for Wyandotte Chemical Company. Dr. Collins acted as a visiting professor in chemistry at the University of Indiana for three summers and Michigan State University for one year. In 1965 he joined the faculty at Eastern Michigan University, serving as an assistant professor in the chemistry department. Seven years later he became a full professor and then the chairman of the Department of Chemistry. A year later, Dr. Collins was named the associate vice president for academic affairs. In 1983 he became the provost and vice president at EMU.
He was a part of the American Chemical Society, The Royal Society of Chemistry (of London), The American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Science Teachers Association, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Michigan College Chemistry Teachers Association, Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning, Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, and Phi Kappa Phi.
Collins professional honors include the Eastern Michigan University Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching and Commitment to Students, University of Dayton Alumni Association Special Achievement Award, Association for Educational Systems Award, Chemical Manufacturer’s Award, and the Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents Certification of Recognition.
Collins authored a textbook for general chemistry; a book on computer assisted instruction and published many papers on that topic. Dr. Collins has given talks all over the world, in places such as France, England, Mexico, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, and the USSR.
Collins passed away in 1993 at the age of 54. You can visit his gravesite located at Section 38 Lot 27.