Introducing the documentary at two showings at the Neon Theatre, Marketing Committee Chairman Lynn Alejandrino described the message as “comfort, peace and beauty”.
“The saddest thing is to walk away from the casket of someone close to us and leave them in the cemetery,” says Bill Frapwell, Vice President of Calvary Cemetery Association’s Board of Trustees.. “We want people to know their loved one is treated with respect and will be cared for into the future.”
“In showing how we operate the cemetery, we demonstrate our level of care to those who are buried here,” says Rick Meade, Superintendent.”We want our families to know and appreciate our commitment to this mission.”
Reactions to the screening from the attendees included:
“It made me feel proud to be Catholic”
“All Dayton Catholics should see this”
“I had no idea there was so much history here”
“The scenery is just spectacular, the views of Dayton from Calvary’s hilltops are breath taking.”
“It made me feel guilty I haven’t visited my grandparents graves lately”
“What a treasure Calvary is for Dayton”
“I want to show it to my parents and the whole family”
Through the kindness of BJ Westbrock and Westbrock Funeral Homes, copies of the DVD are available to all who would like one. They are available at Calvary’s office.
Call Rick Meade at 937-293-1221 or email